Tonight at Pages, Lisa Long will give us very tangible ways to "find" time in our busy lives to write. A gift left unused tells the giver "thanks, but no thanks." Our writing talent and desire is a gift from God. Let's develop and use that gift and please the Giver of all good things. :0) Plus, we gain so much by using our gift as well. It's a win-win situation.
See you tonight in the large conference room at 6:30 PM for Pages! Bring your writing notebook and writing utensil.
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
Oct 26, 2011
Oct 19, 2011
November @ The Studio
November @ The Studio: Imago Dei (mean's Image of God)
We will be creating a series of three mixed-media self portraits.
- Fee: $8 (helps cover cost of the canvas panels and art supplies)
- Sign up by Monday, 10/31 by emailing deAnn or calling 755-0089 x126
- Classes are Wednesdays in November except Thanksgiving Eve (11/23)
- The Studio meets at LWCC in the coffee bar rooms E & F at 6:30 PM
- This workshop is for people with all skill levels and creative abilities
- It's sure to be a meaningful experience. And fun too!
See you at The Studio on Wednesday, Nov 2nd.
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
Oct 18, 2011
Pages - Creating a Space to Write
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Wow - a whole room dedicated to reading and writing! |
Inspiration is necessary to create. And spaces can certainly be inspiring or uninspiring. The images below appeal to me as inspiring places to create. However, even having a nice place to write doesn't change my heart. I need to want to write. How badly do I want it? Will I write only if I have a spiffy place to do it? Or will I be creative with the space I actually have. My house. My little humble home... will I choose to look at my spaces differently and see possibility instead of frustration.
I'm pretty sure we'll never be financially set to afford a writer's or artist's shed on a melancholy beach overlooking the grey seas in Nova Scotia. Or have an English country backyard with vines and ivy growing over tall wooden fences like a secret garden. So, I must look again at home on Main Street, ask God for inspiration to create a lovely space with what I have and then ask Him for more inspiration to do the hard part - writing.
Yes, what I am saying is that I often use the excuse of not having a space to create to justify why I don't create. Oh, I feel the conviction right now settling in on my heart. I sense God saying to me, "Use your gifts where you are." Okay Lord. You are right. But it would be lovely to have one of the spaces in the images below. :0)
Tomorrow night at Pages, Emily will be covering this topic in more depth. I hope you can join us! We meet at 6:30 PM in the large conference room at LWCC. Bring your notebook and favorite writing utensil. See you then!
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I could handle this space. |
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Very Hobbit-ish. I like it! |
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I can see a Monk sitting at this window pondering the sensations of his heart and love for God. |
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Sorry for the "advertisment." But I just LOVE this little writing shed! |
Oct 14, 2011
Rain Delay for Sacred Path
Well, it's raining again...surprise surprise. The weather is not cooperating with us. We have work to and the rain (mud, really) is holding us back.
REVISED OPENING: Sunday, 10/23.
Good things come to those who wait. We must wait one more week to officially open the Sacred Path & Prayer Gardens at Living Word Community Church.
Pray for a week of dry weather! :0)
Grace & Peace ~ deAnn
p.s. Thanks for understanding.
REVISED OPENING: Sunday, 10/23.
Good things come to those who wait. We must wait one more week to officially open the Sacred Path & Prayer Gardens at Living Word Community Church.
Pray for a week of dry weather! :0)
Grace & Peace ~ deAnn
p.s. Thanks for understanding.
Oct 13, 2011
Artist Reception - Fiel Patricio
Please stop by Living Word coffee bar/The Gallery @ Common Grounds on Sunday, 10/16 from 8:30 am to 11:00 am and meet the current exhibitor, Fiel Patricio. Her artwork is colorful, beautiful, and intricate. Click the following link to read the exhibit booklet, The Heart Behind the Art. There you can read more about Fiel and her exhibit, Metamorphosis: Between Serendipity and Epiphany.
Exhibit runs Oct 2 through Oct 30 at Living Word Community Church.
Exhibit runs Oct 2 through Oct 30 at Living Word Community Church.
Oct 12, 2011
PhotoOuting: Sunrise @ Lake Redman
It's autumn. The mornings are crisp. The trees are beginning to lite up with color. It's the perfect time for a photo outing.
Join us at:
- Lake Redman's boat dock
- Saturday, 10/15
- 7:00 AM
- Sunrise is expected around 7:15am
see you on Saturday morning!
Oct 11, 2011
Official Opening for Sacred Path
After years of dreaming, months of planning, and weeks of installation, the Sacred Path and Prayer Gardens officially opens on Sunday, October 16, 2011 on the property of Living Word Community Church.
Come, rest and be still before the Lord. This rustic, half-mile mulch path meanders peacefully around the front perimeter of Living Word's property, weaving in-and-out of pine and maple trees and along fields of corn. There are five beautifully landscaped prayer gardens along this path, each having a sign post featuring a thoughtful quote or scripture for reflection and contemplation. Bring your journals and spend time with God in His creation and receive a little rest for you soul. Or simply take a quiet walk in His presence.
The Sacred Path's entrance is near the Belle Road driveway. It is a "point-to-point" path, meaning it does not loop. It ends near the Cape Horn driveway. You may find parking in the front of the church near the carport is best. That is pretty much half way between the path entrance and the exit. There are certainly not hard-fast rules about which place to enter the path, so be creative and begin where you feel lead. There are no lights on the path so please use it from dawn to dusk.
We'd love to hear your feedback about your experience with this Sacred Path and Prayer Gardens. Leave a comment on this post or on the "Sacred Path" tab at the top of this website. All comments are moderated and will be published upon review.
May you have a beautiful encounter with God as you walk the Sacred Path.
grace & peace,
Come, rest and be still before the Lord. This rustic, half-mile mulch path meanders peacefully around the front perimeter of Living Word's property, weaving in-and-out of pine and maple trees and along fields of corn. There are five beautifully landscaped prayer gardens along this path, each having a sign post featuring a thoughtful quote or scripture for reflection and contemplation. Bring your journals and spend time with God in His creation and receive a little rest for you soul. Or simply take a quiet walk in His presence.
The Sacred Path's entrance is near the Belle Road driveway. It is a "point-to-point" path, meaning it does not loop. It ends near the Cape Horn driveway. You may find parking in the front of the church near the carport is best. That is pretty much half way between the path entrance and the exit. There are certainly not hard-fast rules about which place to enter the path, so be creative and begin where you feel lead. There are no lights on the path so please use it from dawn to dusk.
We'd love to hear your feedback about your experience with this Sacred Path and Prayer Gardens. Leave a comment on this post or on the "Sacred Path" tab at the top of this website. All comments are moderated and will be published upon review.
May you have a beautiful encounter with God as you walk the Sacred Path.
grace & peace,
Oct 10, 2011
From Your Heart to the Page
We kicked off Pages last Wednesday night with a full house! Many people are listening and responding to the nudge in their heart that is calling them to the paper. We continue with Pages every Wednesday of October, 6:30 - 8:00 PM in the Large Conference room at LWCC. There is still room so please come if you are interested in being part of a Christian community of writers.
The October theme of Developing a Writer's Life will continue into the December Pages. It's just such a big and expansive topic. Due to the holidays in December we are only meeting the first two Wednesdays that month, so it just made sense to fold those nights into the October theme.
Please bring a notebook and your favorite writing utensil to each Pages gathering.
Grace & peace - and SEE YOU on Wednesday night!
The October theme of Developing a Writer's Life will continue into the December Pages. It's just such a big and expansive topic. Due to the holidays in December we are only meeting the first two Wednesdays that month, so it just made sense to fold those nights into the October theme.
Please bring a notebook and your favorite writing utensil to each Pages gathering.
Grace & peace - and SEE YOU on Wednesday night!
Oct 1, 2011
Metamorphosis: Between Serendipity and Epiphany
For the month of October, York area artist, Fiel Patricio's mixed media work is on display at The Gallery @ Common Grounds, Living Word Community Church.
The exhibit is titled: Metamorphosis: Between Serendipity and Epiphany. To read The Heart Behind the Art - the companion exhibit booklet - click on the link.
The exhibit runs Sunday, October 2 through Sunday, October 30.
Meet Fiel at the Artist Reception, Sunday, October 16 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM in The Gallery @ Common Grounds - Living Words Coffee Bar.
As you can see, Fiel's work is colorful and lively. Very pleasing to the eye.
You can check out Fiel's website by clicking here.
Please pick up a hard copy of The Heart Behind the Art booklet from the ledge in the coffee bar lobby.
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
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