The Lenten Sacred Space is an intentional place for one to slow down, exit the daily grind, and be still before the Lord, listening and waiting for His voice. But when it's gone, it doesn't mean that we can't continue to seek him in solitude. We are so blessed here in York County to have many beautiful parks and lakes. For me, anyhow, nature is a special place for me to encounter Jesus. But again, intentionality is key. I long to be more intentional with my spiritual life and I pray the Sacred Space has caused the same longing in you.
If you are interested in "revisiting" the 2009 Seasons - A Sacred Journey, you can click here. Note that there are images from the 2009 Sacred Space in the flash as well.
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
I just wanted to than you (and everyone else who had a part of this) for sharing their gifts with us.
Thank you - it truly WAS a team effort. And I'm honored to have worked beside this awesome group of people and to co-create that space with Holy Spirit.
grace & peace ~ deAnn
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