Dec 31, 2010
Being Made
It’s easy to see that some of these pieces are not finished. For a few others, it’s harder to tell. But to the artist who created the piece, it’s clear to him/her that they are not yet done. In church, we may see someone and think “wow, they have it all together,” but the fact is, they are still a work in progress, just like you and just like me. This side of heaven, we are unfinished, undone, and being made. Messy and mysterious, yet in His hands, we are being crafted into the person He longs for us to be...if we aren’t resistant to His work in our lives.
As you look upon this unique exhibit, may you sense God’s creative handiwork in your life and embrace it as He completes the work He’s doing in you. Like the artwork hanging in this exhibit, you too, are being made.
"Being Made" runs January 2 through January 30, 2011 at The Gallery @ Common Grounds. Be sure to pick up a copy of the gallery booklet, The Heart Behind the Art: Being Made. Click here to read it online.
Grace & peace,
Dec 23, 2010
Love Came Down
Dec 20, 2010
Dec 15, 2010
Dec 14, 2010
Special Edition of The Studio
Dec 9, 2010
Pages - Cancelled tonight - SO SORRY :0(
Let me start off by saying I'm praying 2011 will be easier on me, health-wise. Geez. I'm battling a ridiculous cold virus that has left me totally wiped out. I worked today and just can't muster up the energy to stay until 9pm tonight. Please accept my apologies. I feel like a flake. And a crumb at the same time.
I'd rather not give you what I have, just in time for the holidays to get into full swing.
I'll be in touch,
Enjoy the evening with family or writing silently in a quiet corner of your house or Borders or Starbucks or Panera... :0)
grace & peace,
Dec 8, 2010
Thursday Pages - Tomorrow!
If you aren't busy shopping, decorating, or wrapping Christmas gifts, please come do what you love: write.
Tomorrow, Thursday, December 9th, is our monthly writers group - Thursday Pages. Just bring your notebook and favorite writing utensil OR laptop and a desire to be with other writers. We meet from 7:00-8:30 PM in the large conference room across the hall from the church kitchen. There will be a sign on the door.
Hope to see you there!!
grace & peace ~ deAnn
Dec 1, 2010
Special Night at The Studio
Matthew is a graduate of Messiah College, majoring in Adventure Education. While at Messiah, he took several photography classes and fell in love with the artform. He has much experience in the dark room and using a variety of cameras and films. To read more about him, click here.
The Studio is Wednesday, December 15 at 7:00pm in The Gallery @ Common Grounds, Living Word Community Church. We hope you come to hear Matthew's story, view his outstanding photography, hang out with other artists, and drink an unlimited supply of Seattle's Best coffee and feast on festive holiday sweets, just in case you didn't get enough at Thanksgiving. The evening will be awesome, I'm sure of it. See you there.
Please email me with any questions...
grace & peace ~ deAnn
Nov 22, 2010
Read the Gallery Booklet Online
Nov 18, 2010
The Rapids
Nov 16, 2010
The Studio - Cancelled (sorry)
HOWEVER, you can still pick up your artwork from the current exhibit. I'll be working from 5-9pm tomorrow night. You can find me in the gallery OR in my office. If the office area is locked, text me or call me: 542-9024 and I'll let ya in to get your work. :0)
Thanks for understanding and we'll meet again for The Studio in December and do something fun for Christmas. And if your creative mind has any ideas about what that could be - send 'em my way. I love collaborative efforts!
grace & peace,
Nov 15, 2010
Cancer-free Reflections
Faced with even a THREAT of cancer can change your perspective. What a gift this past month has been...
I can't describe the gratitude I have for all the prayer lifted up to God on my behalf. The pathology report declared no lymphoma or other cancers. However, I have been diagnosed with the infammatory disease - sarcoidosis. I'll continue to trust that His will be done in my life and through my life.
God is so good.
Grace & peace,
Nov 11, 2010
Thursday Pages - Cancelled
See you next month!
thank you for understanding...
grace & peace ~ deAnn
Nov 8, 2010
Thursday Pages
NOTE: Please check back to this blog on Thursday to be certain that Thursday Pages will in fact happen. I am having surgery tomorrow (Tuesday) and presume I'll feel up to faciliating on Thursday. If I'm not able to, I'll post it here. Thanks for understanding!
God willing, I'll see you on Thursday.
Grace & peace,
Nov 3, 2010
Creating in the Valleys of Life
At the studio, October 20, I shared that earlier that day I had seen a Pulmonologist due to a chest CT scan that came back funky. The lymph nodes in my chest region are enlarged and they spotted two other "densities" that are U.F.O.'s (unidentified floating objects, haha). The lung doctor referred me to a Cardiothoracic surgeon, to whom I meet with tomorrow morning, Thursday 11/4, for a surgical consult. They want to remove one of my ugly lymph nodes, test it and, hopefully, rule out lymphoma or metastasis (a cancer that begins else where in the body and metastasizes in the lymph nodes.) I hope they rule them out too! The lung doctor is leaning towards a diagnosis of sarcoidosis, but because I'm young (at 40, yay!) and have a young family, they want to be aggressive and catch anything really bad before it's too late. I'm good with that. I guess.
I'm feeling pretty good now, emotionally, thanks to the gazillion prayers offered up on my behalf by amazing friends. But those of you who attended the studio last month saw a very scared and heartbroken side of me. Thank you for your grace and compassion that evening. The news was just so recent, having been to the doctor earlier in the day. I wanted to cancel the studio but for the whole week prior God had inspired me with a particular idea. If I cancelled the studio, I would have cancelled what God had put on my heart for that evening. So, with every ounce of strength left in me, I proceeded with the studio. Not without blubbering and tears, however. :0)
The idea was to prayerfully listen to the song by Casting Crowns, "Your Love is Extravagant," and then move into a creative project continuing in a prayerful spirit. We were to paint or draw whatever came to mind or heart. Just spend time with God before the "canvas" or sketchbook and see what happens. This idea God had for me the week prior was genius, as He knew I would have a difficult doctors appointment on the same day as the studio and that I needed to fulfill His idea - it was to help me see Him amidst this challenging news of my health.
About 12 people attended the studio. Some drew with ball point pens, others with charcoal or pencils or markers. Others used watercolors or acrylics. I painted on a small 8"x6" canvas with acrylic shades of black, purple, white, gold, and silver. None of us set out to create a particular piece, instead, we listened to that still small voice and created out of a place of prayer before our Creator. It was a very sweet hour.
Big uncontrollable tears fell from my eyes as we listed to the lyrics:
Your love is extravagant. Your friendship, it is intimate.
I find I'm moving to the rhythm of Your grace.
Your fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place.
Your love is extravagant.
Spread wide in the arms of Christ,
Is a love that covers sin.
No Great love have I ever known.
You consider me Your friend.
Capture my heart again.
Capture my heart again.
As soon as the song was over and I began to put paint on to canvas, using only my fingers, a peace came over me and I was suddenly energized. I had no idea what I was painting, I had no subject in mind. I just paid attention to the colors and how soft the paint felt between my fingertips and the canvas. The lyrics replayed in my head over and over and a form began to take shape. I just went with it as I surrendered my creativity to the Creator.
After about 45 minutes, it was time to close the studio gathering. We briefly shared what that experience was like and even shared our created pieces. It was really moving to hear and see how God spoke to each of us through our open hearts and creative spirits.
The piece I created is certainly no Monet. It will never be sold in a gallery or hang in a museum. But to me, it speaks of the way God holds me close especially in the valleys of life and I’m reminded of the extravagant ways that Jesus loves me.
I was so blessed by the time to play with paints with a heart centered in prayer. I connect with God in very intimate ways through my creativity. And He knew I needed to draw near to Him that night, and still to this day. As I prepare to talk with the surgeon about how he’s going to remove a lymph node from a very tricky place near my heart and lungs, I continue to snuggle into the wings of Christ. Then, as we receive the pathology report noting a final diagnosis, be it sarcoidosis, lymphoma or other cancer, I will still be singing, “No greater love have I ever known. For you consider me Your friend.”
Capture my heart again…
Grace & peace ~
Click here to hear the song.
Nov 2, 2010
Fear of Doing
Donald Miller just posted this on his blog. It’s a short read, but a good one…check it out.
Grace & peace,
Oct 26, 2010
Tandem Journey
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
Oct 19, 2010
The Studio - Wednesday, 10/20
![]() |
"Happy in Blue" by Bex Czik |
Enter the coffee bar entrance, go down the hall towards auditorium, turn LEFT at the hallway. We'll be in the first room on the LEFT, room A103 E. OR, for a short cut - you can get to the room by cutting through the kitchen.
The plans for the evening are coming together as He inspires me with an idea. At this time I ask you to bring your sketchbook and pencils, or canvas and paints/brushes, or paper and pastels, etc. As the idea comes clearer, it could potentially be a pretty cool exercise. God always surprises me with ideas for the studio!
It will be great to see everyone again...
grace & peace ~ deAnn
Oct 14, 2010
Plein Air Painting in Easton
Yeah, call me a geek…but because my last three cars have been Subaru's, I get the Subaru magazine, DRIVE. The October issue has a neat little story about Painting En Plein Air – In July, there is a festival in Easton, MD which is specifically for en plein air artists. I’d love to attend next year. (Not as an artist, but as one who walks around observing the art created by others.) We’ll drive our Subaru, of course. haha!
I hope you enjoy this article.
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
Oct 13, 2010
Art House America
Check it out...
grace & peace on the creative journey ~ deAnn
Oct 12, 2010
Thursday Pages!
We meet in the large conference room across the hall from church kitchen. Do you have a writing project in the works? Do you have an idea that needs to be poured onto paper? Bring them or we'll provide you with writing prompts if you want something fresh to spur on your creativity.
Hope to see you there! Contact me, deAnn, if you have any questions.
grace & peace ~ deAnn
Oct 8, 2010
"The Names of Jesus" Art Exhibit
Oct 5, 2010
October Inklings, At Last!
Inklings FINALLY hot off the press! |
Sep 29, 2010
Encounter & Gallery Opening
An evening of worship at Living Word’s encounter followed by the gallery opening of the next exhibit, The Names of Jesus, in The Gallery @ Common Grounds Coffee Bar. This exhibit is a collaboration of artists from The Studio – the artist’s community. We even have an “artist from afar” participating in this exhibit: Lionel Phillips who follows [The Arts @ Living Word] blog as a resident of New Zealand. He’d love to attend The Studio, but geography is getting in the way!
Encounter is Friday, October 8, 7:00-8:30 pm in the main auditorium. Then follow up the powerful time of worship by joining us in the coffee bar for coffee and tea. Light desserts will be available. View the new exhibit and read about the artists who created the work by picking up a copy of The Heart Behind the Art, the gallery companion booklet, which you’ll find on the ledge in the coffee bar lobby. It will also be found online by checking back to this blog.
The Names of Jesus exhibit runs Friday, October 8 to Sunday, November 14, 2010.
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
Sep 28, 2010
Writer's Eye @ YorkArts
"The Writer's Eye" Competition
Each year YorkArts holds a writing competition called The Writer’s Eye. This competition links the inspiration of writers to the creative vision of artists. This year, participants are invited to write a poem or short story in response to the artwork from the "In-Betweens” exhibit that runs Sept. 30 - Nov. 20, 2010.
The Writer's Eye competition begins Sept. 30 and runs until November 29, 2010. Visit...ors are invited to take a self-guided tour or schedule a guided tour of the exhibit. The competition is open to students in grades 4-12, college students, and adults. Entry forms should accompany submissions, download the form at
Prizes will be awarded in the following age groups:
Category 1: Grades 4, 5, 6
Category 2: Grades 7, 8, 9
Category 3: Grades 10, 11, 12
Category 4: College and Adult
1st Prize: in each category is a $50 gift card
2nd Prize: in each category is a $25 gift card
3rd Prize: in each category is a $10 gift card
Additionally, all participants will receive ribbons, and the winning works are also published in The Writer's Eye booklet. Deadline for entries is 5:00 on Nov 29, 2010. An awards ceremony will be held at YorkArts on Feb 4, 2011.
For more information and downloadable entry form go to
Happy Writing! deAnn
Looking for Something to do This Weekend?
Looking for something inspiring to do this weekend, the first weekend in October? Well, head on down to the Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium. The famed Sugarloaf Crafts Festival is Friday & Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 10-5. Kids under 12 are free and parking is free. No need to fear raindrops as this event is indoors. Tickets are reasonable too: $9 at the door or order them online at $7 each. Click here for all the details.
There will be interactive demonstrations which include wheel thrown pottery, wood turning and metal spinning. There will be a special ironforging demo by Nick Vincent.
Sounds pretty darn cool. I hope you can make it!
Grace & peace on the creative journey ~ deAnn
Sep 22, 2010
On Photographing Art…
Here is an interesting article from the New York Times about whether or not it’s legal to photograph art in a gallery or museum. It really makes you think…
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
Sep 21, 2010
October Inklings Coming Soon!
I'm formatting the October edition of Inklings this week and it's going to be a great issue! You can find your copy on the ledge in the Common Grounds Coffee Bar lobby at Living Word starting Sunday, October 3.
In this edition, there is a section dedicated to the written art of Haiku. I hope you will be inspired by this form of Japenese poetry and try your own Haiku.
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
Sep 16, 2010
Creative York
Click here for the Creative York Arts + Culture Guide as a .pdf. Check it out, good stuff happening in York!!!
Grace & peace, deAnn
Sep 14, 2010
Toilet Paper Roll Art
I remember when my boys were toddlers, they found hours of joy playing with empty toilet paper rolls - their imagination was endless!! Well, French artist, Anastassia Elias took that imagination further than I've ever seen. Check out her Rouleaux portfolio. You will be blown away, and maybe even inspired.
Grace & Peace ~ deAnn
Sep 13, 2010
Haiku Poetry
Sep 8, 2010
Redeemer Arts
Grace & peace on the creative journey ~
Sep 3, 2010
Long's Park Art & Craft Festival This Weekend!
Long’s Park Art & Craft Festival Again Named Top Show in Country.
LANCASTER, PA -- Once again the Long’s Park Art & Craft Festival has been selected one of America’s leading fine art and craft shows. Art Fair SourceBook, the leading national rating organization, just announced that Long’s Park was ranked the No. 3 fine art show in the country and the No. 6 fine craft show.
The rankings are compiled by the Oregon-based Art Fair SourceBook, compiled from 2009 audit reports they received from art and craft show exhibitors who participated in more than 600 shows across the country. Rankings were based on net average revenue generated by these exhibitors.
“The ultimate test of our show is how much our guests like the exhibitors we’ve invited to Long’s Park,” explained 2009 Long’s Park Art & Craft Festival director Amy L. Marberger. “All four days of Labor Day weekend show our guests were voting with their wallets as they shopped Long’s Park. To have them support our exhibitors in such a big way means that our independent jurors knew their stuff and our dedicated volunteers
supported their work.”
The Long’s Park Art & Craft Festival will be held rain or shine Labor Day weekend, Friday, September 3 through Monday, September 6, 2010.
An estimated 1,000 artists from across the country are expected to vie to be a part of the 32nd annual show. From these applications independent jurors will help select 200 of the best of the best to exhibit.
Martin Insurance Company executive Amy Marberger has directed the Long’s Park Art & Craft Festival since 2006.
Approximately 20,000 guests from across the Mid-Atlantic region are expected to attend the 2010 Long’s Park Art & Craft Festival. The event has become a Labor Day weekend tradition since its founding in 1979 to help underwrite the free, 13-week Long’s Park Summer Music Series. The Long’s Park Art & Craft Festival is produced and sponsored annually by the Long’s Park Amphitheater Foundation.
Long’s Park, a beautiful 80-acre, city-owned park at the Harrisburg Pike/Park City Center exit of Route 30, is located at 1441 Harrisburg Pike in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Sep 2, 2010
Be Still...
Once again, our artist friend from New Zealand, Lionel Phillips, has blessed us with another beautiful image. Here is what he has to say about this piece:
This is a lake very close to where I work. One very foggy morning I rushed down there to take this photo. Ín the quiteness of that morning the Lord clearly reminded me again to be still and to slow down. It's a bouy in the middle of the lake. It reminded me of the scripture in Psalm 46 verse 10. I love singing that song too. Sometimes were are too busy to hear God's voice and sometimes we have to slow down and listen. I pray that it will bless someone and in discouraging times it will remind them to sing the 46 Psalm. God Bless.
For the glory of God alone.
Thank you Lionel for the beautiful image and written reflections. You are so right, we must slow down to hear His still small voice...
Grace & peace,
Aug 31, 2010
Right Brain vs. Left Brain
I posted this fun little test a couple years ago on my Vertical Creativity blog. It's worth bringing back. Click here to take the test. Let me know if you agree or disagree with the results. It's just for fun, nothing really scientific here.
Grace & peace,
Aug 30, 2010
John Cleese on Creativity
This is a great little talk by English comedy actor, John Cleese, on creativity. If you are a visual artist, please continue to listen to his talk as it's about creativity in general, but using his craft, script writing, as the example.
I really needed to be reminded that in order for creativity to come, we must exit our busy lives and create boundries of space and boundries of time. One thing I would add to his talk is ideas come, in my opinion, from the Holy Spirit. Which is why we need need to slow down, be still and connect with Him in order for His ideas to flow through us...
I hope you enjoy this video - it's worth watching, a good ten minutes.
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
Aug 28, 2010
Don't forget about YorkFest today and tomorrow in downtown York. The weather this weekend is to be spectacular - plentiful sunshine and in the mid 80's. Can't beat that! For a schedule of events: click here.
Come on out and support the arts! Let's not let this quote ring true: "Art is dying because the need for art, the sensitivity and the love for it, is dying." Milan Kundera from Encounter 2010 through
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
Aug 27, 2010
When you were little did you have an imaginary friend? (Maybe you still have one!?)
I was about 4 when I found Herkimer while fishing with my dad on the rocky banks of the Sacramento River in Redding, California. Herkimer was bug-like, a cross between a praying mantis and dragonfly, although, Herkimer didn’t fly. He fit in the palm of my hand and I carried him everywhere, sometimes in the pocket of my jeans or my sweatshirt. Herkimer, or Herk for short, was my closest friend. He listened to all my stories, watched me color in my Holly Hobby coloring books, went along on our family camping excursions, and he particularly loved splashing around with me in the frigid snow-melt water of Hat Creek. I loved Herkimer. And I loved that my family loved him too. I remember my mom asking me, “How’s Herkimer today?” Then in my wild child-like imagination I shared, in agonizing detail, all the adventures that he had had since sunrise. My imagination was a fun-filled playground that never closed.
Then I became an adult. But, at age 40, I still vividly remember Herkimer and how much he meant to me. I plan to encourage the imagination of my daughter as she grows up into the woman God has intended. The ability to imagine is from the One who imagined the universe and everything in it – then He called it out of imagination and into existence.
Today, in my prayer time or times of solitude, I use my imagination to picture Jesus sitting beside me, or to paint a picture in my mind of a story from Scripture, or to daydream about the glories of Heaven. When I “see” it, I can see it. Know what I mean?
Imagination. We are created in the image of God. We have imaginations because He does first. Our imaginations, however, can also poison us if used in unhealthy ways. But, when used for His glory – amazing art, written pieces, beautiful meals, gorgeous gardens, warm environments, etc., bless us and others. That’s awesome.
So, as a child, did you have an imaginary friend? If you are brave enough to share, click “comment” at the end of the post and tell us about him/her/it.
Grace & peace on the creative journey ~ deAnn
Aug 26, 2010
Don Miller on Writer's Block
Donald Miller, the author of Blue Like Jazz, has a blog. If you aren't getting the RSS feed, you may want to check it out and subscribe. On Monday he posted this article: Writer's Block~What To Do When the Well Runs Dry.
The last point he writes: Pray. I’m a firm believer that God brings us things to write about, word pictures to paint, ideas that are good for the world. Pray and wait.
Pray and Wait. Challenging to do (the waiting part), but OH SO GOOD when we do...
Many blessings on your creative journey ~ deAnn
Aug 23, 2010
Art from Afar
From trash comes beauty. That's wonderful, Lionel! Thank you for reading our blog and for participating in our arts group from afar! Please send me more of your work so I can post it. It's awesome to see how God's people all over the world are using their creativity to bring glory to Him.
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
Aug 18, 2010
Location for The Studio tonight
Tonight’s Studio will be held in the coffee bar but in room E & F instead of C & D, where we usually meet. To get to E & F, come in the coffee bar entrance and walk as if you are going to the auditorium. Take the first LEFT hallway and then E & F are the first 2 doors on the left.
It will be a small group (it’s summer time and that happens, which is why most ministries shut down over the summer – BUT NOT THE ARTS MINISTRY.) so, if you can’t make it after all, please text, call, or email me. My cell number is below.
Thank you! See you soon ~
Aug 16, 2010
The Studio: Wednesday
Aug 13, 2010
Perceiving by Cliff
Aug 12, 2010
Pages is Tonight at 7pm
Tonight is Thursday and it's the second Thursday of the month - you know what that means... PAGES! Bring your notebook and favorite writing utensil or laptop and see you tonight at 7:00 PM in the large conference room at LWCC (across the hall from the church kitchen).
Grace & peace,
Aug 9, 2010
Perceiving by Micah
Aug 8, 2010
Upcoming Local Art Festivals
WHEN: Saturday, August 14, 2010 (34th annual) - 9AM to 4PM
WHERE: Downtown Center Square of Red Lion PA (intersection of Routes 24 and 74) in York County, Pennsylvania.
DESCRIPTION: Over 150 local businesses and vendors set up stands to entertain, inform and offer unique treasures. Crafts, foods and art fill the streets of the downtown. Historical displays plus hot rods and dance performances are also planned. Balloon twisters, face painting clowns, and all day dunk tank (manned by PTC Youth Services.) Red Lion Tours and Travel provide a bus for free shuttle service between the parking at Red Lion Area Senior High School and the street fair all day. Lion Pharmacy and the Borough itself offer the use of the downtown Center Square and parking lot for the main-stage performances.
Vendors Wanted!
CONTACT: Sandy Mundis at "info @" or 717-244-0886
Yorkfest Art Festival
WHEN: Saturday and Sunday - August 28 & 29, 2010 - Rain or shine.
Friday August 27, 2010 - Reception at York Arts Gallery 6PM to 8PM
Festival Hours: Saturday, 10AM to 5PM; Sunday 10AM to 4PM
WHERE: Streets of York PA - Pershing Avenue from Market to Philadelphia Street - along the Codorus River (surrounding the Colonial Courthouse) in historic downtown York PA.
DESCRIPTION: York's premier fine arts and music festival with more than 80 fine artists from all around the country, free family entertainment and hands-on arts activities, and a community jazz concert.
Participation in the Juried Exhibition is open to all artists and crafts persons. Fine art and fine craft in all mediums are acceptable. Entries must be original and completed within the past two years. Work should be of high quality and craftsmanship.
CONTACT: York City Recreation and Parks at 717-854-1587
Webpage with some information:
Links to other Websites about York Pennsylvania:
Annual Bridge Bust
WHEN: Annually - always held the first Saturday in October.
Saturday, October 2, 2010 (22nd annual) - 8AM to 4PM
WHERE: Veteran's Memorial Bridge joining Wrightsville PA and Columbia PA. (York County PA and Lancaster County PA.)
DESCRIPTION: Annual arts and crafts festival with more than 300 antiques, crafts, arts and food vendors plus entertainment held on the Columbia-Wrightsville Bridge (officially known as Veterans Memorial Bridge) joining Columbia and Wrightsville PA. Free shuttle services will be available. Proceeds from this event benefit the Susquehanna Valley Visitors Center. This is a very popular event and draws over 20,000 visitors. (There may be a waiting list for vendors. See Website for more information and vendor application.)
CONTACT: Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce, 717-684-5249
Get out and enjoy all that local arts has to offer!
grace & peace ~ deAnn
Aug 7, 2010
KidsArt Exhibit 3.0
Them theme is "God Created..." and all artwork is submitted by the kids in our children's ministry, Kid::Life, grades 1 - 6. It's always a colorful and fun exhibit - perfect for the last days of summer. Be sure to pick up a copy of the gallery companion booklet, "The Heart Behind the Art," which will be available in the coffee bar beginning Sunday, August 29.
It's so awesome to witness a child spotting his/her artwork hanging nicely in the gallery. Their eyes light up and they run to find their parents or friends and bring them back to where their art is displayed. It's just so cute! Artists they are... Artists we hope they remain into adult hood.
Enjoy this upcoming exhibit!
Grace & peace ~ deAnn
Aug 6, 2010
Kick-Start Your Muse
YorkArts is offering the class, "Kick-Start Your Muse"
$65 • Wednesdays, September 1-Oct 6 • Morning Class: 10 AM - Noon or Evening Class: 6:30-8:30 PM
Instructor: Carol Clark Williams
This writing-intensive class is loaded with prompts, suggestions, and inspiration to get your poetic muse into action! The final two classes will employ poetry analysis and critique, culminating in a public reading of your own poems. Ages 18+
YorkArts is located at 10 North Beaver Street, York (717) 848-3200
Aug 5, 2010
Aug 4, 2010
Mt Gretna Outdoor Art Show
If you are lookig for something fun and inspiring to do on August 21 and 22, head on over to the Mt Gretna Outdoor Art Show. Maybe I'll see you there!
Grace & peace,