Nov 10, 2016
The Future of Infused Arts
Hello Creative Friends -
Thank you so much for coming out last Thursday for The Collective's Grand Finale. I was moved to tears by your kindness and well wishes in my new God adventure at Praise Community Church. Man, I'll miss you all terribly! But Praise is just down the road - haha!
As you know from the previous note, I gave a four week notice. Today, Thursday, 11/10 is my 3rd week and I still have so many loose ends to tie up that I know I'll be here for a few more days - maybe even until Thursday, 11/17, we'll see.
Here is what the Infused Arts schedule looks like for the rest of 2016:
TONIGHT: The Write Space meets from 6:30pm to 8pm and my friend Abby Trevino will visit with us and share her heart on how God uses her gift of writing to share His heart with others. This is prophetic writing. And I've been a blessed recipient of these letters. She and I will speak about the process of hearing from God, writing it out, delivering the message and then responding to His love as the recipient. It's going to be cool guys, I hope you can come out! We meet in room #112.
THURSDAY 11/17: Open Studio is 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Bring your project and create in the midst of community in an encouraging environment. If you'd rather, you can bring $6 for an 11x14 canvas panel and use of all art supplies. We meet in the coffee bar area.
DECEMBER 2016: Infused Arts takes a winter break. No creative gatherings. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
What does Infused Arts look like in 2017?
That is a very good question. As Pastor Brian shared at The Collective last week, he's uncertain as well. I do know that LW will not seek to hire a replacement for me anytime soon. As always, when someone leaves a position here, the leadership reevaluates the position, the ministry, the hours needed, etc.
With the construction beginning, God willing, in April and running through the rest of the year, many programs will be halted due to no usable space, noise, dust, and all the other joys of renovations. This is something to keep in mind through 2017 as it will affect all the ministries of Living Word in some significant way. For The artists and writers, maybe that means moving the gatherings off site. The leaders and I are dreaming about places should that happen. You'll be kept in the loop for sure!
I'm pretty sure that this blog site will be detached from LW's website very soon. But I'll continue to keep you posted (or the leaders will) here at the blog. Check back soon or add your email to the box on the right hand column so you are alerted via email when there's a new post.
Please let me know if you have any questions. My email here at LW will be inactive shortly after my last day. I'd love to stay in touch with you guys! My original arts ministry, Vertical Creativity, will blossom into something new and amazing in the days and months to come. If you want to keep in touch, please contact me here.
Well friends - it's not good-bye, but see ya later, maybe even soon! Know that each of you have enriched my life in ways unexplainable. Thank you and bless you!
Be in joy - deAnn Roe
"Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning." ~ C. S. Lewis
Oct 31, 2016
For Everything There is a Season
I want to share some news with you. Since early summer God’s
been asking me this question: “Do you trust Me with your ministry?” I’d reply,
“Sure I do Lord! Of course.” But He kept asking me, over and over again... I
guess I wasn’t giving Him the answer He wanted. Finally, this simple yet deep
question opened up things in my heart that I didn’t know existed. I had always
seen myself (for the past 8 years anyhow) as the director of Infused Arts and
ONLY that. But what God showed me was that my ministry expands, and could
expand even more, beyond Infused Arts. That was rather exciting, yet
freighting to me. Then He started asking me that same question again, “Do you
trust Me with your ministry?” It was very clear this time He was asking me if I
trusted Him with Infused Arts. “Of course I do!” But that question kept coming
so again, He must not have liked my answer. Then He asked me if I trusted Him
enough for me to walk away from Infused Arts. “Uhhhhhhhhh, Lord, don’t ask me
to do that please!!!” He then replied, “But I’ve shown you other gifts you have
that can be applied to building up My Kingdom.” This unsettled and confused me.
But I had peace and came to a place in my heart and said, “Yes, Lord. I do
trust You.”
A few months after these questions and days and days and days of
processing what He was showing and telling me, I get an unexpected job
offer…not in the arts. Strangely I was excited in my spirit about this
position. I wrestled with God daily on this possible job change. Yes, He’d
randomly asked me when I was overcome with anxiety, “Do you trust Me with your
ministry? You said that you do.” Ouch. So with fear and trepidation,
after months of praying and discerning, I decided to step WAY out of my comfort
zone to a place where I HAVE to trust God. And it’s scary exciting. Maybe you
know what I mean…?
God just doesn’t want lip service from us. He bugged me with a
simple question for months. I finally my heart transformed and came to a place
to answer Him the way He wanted. However, that is not enough. He wants more. He
wants action to flow from our words. So, I said YES to that job
offer. With a heavy, yet excited heart, I gave my letter of resignation
to Pastor Brian yesterday. Oh my, the tears* Leaving Infused Arts and LW after
being on staff for SEVENTEEN YEARS!! Oh my! I’m a ball of insane mixed
emotions. I have to buy some waterproof mascara on my way home from work today!
There is so much I want to say to each of you. You’ve enriched
my life in ways I can’t even describe. Seeing God open up your creativity or
encourage it in a bigger way has filled my heart with so much joy! I know I’m
called to be a creative catalyst and to create space for people to connect
deeply with God through their creativity and the arts. That will never change!
That’s who God’s made me to be. However, in this new season, this new position
as Next Steps Director at Praise Community Church in York (ironically LW’s
previous building, where I started), my creativity will be used in a new and different way. This
job will be STRETCHING indeed. Again, positioned to truly need God. And my
spirit is SO excited to be in this place of dependency upon Him.
I’d love to share more with you and spend some time reflecting
on how God moved through Infused Arts, through you, through me over the past 8
years. So, at our next gathering for
The Collective
November 3rd
from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
we’ll do just that. Celebrate all that God has done
in raising up the His Creative Spirit in each of us to make an impact for His
Kingdom’s sake. I hope you can come. We’ll have some appetizer-type foods and it will be
a party atmosphere.
One thing I want to share here is that Pastor Brian will be
attending The Collective as well. He will talk about what will happen with
my role in my absence and the future of Infused Arts at LW. He’ll answer any
questions you have too. I really hope we can pack out the house!
This special gathering of The Collective is for anyone who has
been touched by the art at LW through The Gallery or The Well, The Sacred Path,
and our arts communities: The Studio and The Write Space. I super hope you can
make it this Thursday!
You have blessed me tremendously…
I love you all.
Be in joy –
Oct 27, 2016
The Last Few Days
The Well | Jehovah Jireh (God provides) is our current installation at Living Word Community Church. The remaining days and times are as follows:
Thursday, 10/27 from 9am to 9pm
Friday, 10/28 from 9am to 9pm
On Saturday, it all comes down.
I hope you get a chance to quiet yourself before the Lord and encounter Him in a new or unique way.
Be blessed -
deAnn Roe
Oct 4, 2016
Pumpkin Art, 10/20
Join us at
The Studio on Thursday, 10/20 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
and bring your own pumpkin or gourd!
Get creative:
try zentangle
try paint
try mixed media
or go old school and carve
(bring your own caring equipment)
Infused Arts will provide the markers, paints and mixed media supplies.
There is no fee for this event.
Kids age 12 and older can come if accompanied by a parent or guardian.
RSVP to deAnn
Scroll down for some photos to inspire you!
We hope to see you on Thursday, 10/20!!
be in joy -
Sep 29, 2016
Fall Writers' Retreat
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," delares the Lord, "and I will bring you back from captivity."
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," delares the Lord, "and I will bring you back from captivity."
Jeremiah 29:13-14 (NIV)
DATE: Saturday, 10/29
TIME: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
LOCATION: Room 320 in the Kid::Life wing.
I believe this will be the BEST writers' retreat to date! Come, find community among writers of all levels. Come, find peace and quiet to spend time writing. Come, be inspired by one another and by the Holy Spirit.
Bring your writing notebook or laptop, a project you want time to work on or thoughtful prompts will be given. Pack a lunch (there is a fridge and microwaves available to use). Breakfasty treats and coffee/juice will be provided.
LOCATION: Room 320 in the Kid::Life wing.
I believe this will be the BEST writers' retreat to date! Come, find community among writers of all levels. Come, find peace and quiet to spend time writing. Come, be inspired by one another and by the Holy Spirit.
Bring your writing notebook or laptop, a project you want time to work on or thoughtful prompts will be given. Pack a lunch (there is a fridge and microwaves available to use). Breakfasty treats and coffee/juice will be provided.
See you there!
Aug 26, 2016
Art Reception Tonight, 8/26
Here's a sample of what you'll see tonight at the Art Reception featuring Christy Smith from Harrisburg. Her art is currently on display at Living Word Community Church.
Come out tonight beginning at 6:30pm and hear Christy's heart and how she creates with inspiration from the Holy Spirit. Here is the gallery booklet for Christy's exhibit, The Heart Behind the Art.
Art tables, roaming artists, refreshments and coffee will be on hand.
These events are totally family-friendly! Here are the details:
Friday, 8/26 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm
The Gallery at Common Grounds
Living Word Community Church
2530 Cape Horn Road
Red Lion, PA 17356
Jul 19, 2016
Thursday Night Creativity
HI friends!
I trust your summer
has been amazing so far. My only complaint is that it’s going way too fast. J
Things at Infused
Arts are moving along well despite the lower attendance - which happens every
summer. I want to let you know what’s happening the next few weeks on our creative
Thursday Nights.
This week, July 21st
is The Studio. We have been exploring
the basic elements of art so far this year and on Thursday we’ll work with Line
& Shape. There is no fee for this session. We’ll work with markers and
colored pencils. Line and shape seems so, well – boring. But meshed with color
and texture (two other elements of art that we’ve studied so far), it will be
fun and exploratory. I hope you join us in the coffee bar from 6:30 to 8:30pm.
Next week, July 28th
is our DUO night; featuring both Open
Studio at The Studio and Open
Writing at The Write Space. This evening is geared to give you time and
space to work on a creative project, be it visual art or literary. Start
something new or bring your WIP (work in progress). Creating in community is
pretty cool. Open Studio meets in the coffee bar at 6:30pm and is $6 if you use
our supplies, free if you bring your own. Open Writing meets in room 112 at
6:30pm, the normal location for The Write Space.
Looking ahead:
August 4th
is The Collective – Discover a
deeper relationship with God as you move out in your creative endeavors. This creative
community is geared for ALL people and is more spiritually formative than art
making. We meet in the coffee bar from 6:30 to 8:30pm.
And don’t forget
about First Friday York on August 5th. I hope to see you downtown supporting
the art scene in York!
Be in joy friends.
May your creativity increase and your love for others flow freely. Blessings to
Jul 12, 2016
Art Gallery Reception, 8/19
Join us for this family-friendly event to celebrate artist Christy Smith
and her beautiful artwork.
Bring something sweet or salty to share with all.
Coffee, tea, and soft drinks will be provided.
Our art tables will be set up so that you will not leave before
either creating art or receiving art from one of our roaming artists.
The Infused Arts Gallery Art Receptions always inspire creativity and community.
We hope you will join us!
For questions, contact deAnn Roe at
Click here to read the gallery booklet, The Heart Behind the Art for this exhibit.
and her beautiful artwork.
Bring something sweet or salty to share with all.
Coffee, tea, and soft drinks will be provided.
Our art tables will be set up so that you will not leave before
either creating art or receiving art from one of our roaming artists.
The Infused Arts Gallery Art Receptions always inspire creativity and community.
We hope you will join us!
For questions, contact deAnn Roe at
Click here to read the gallery booklet, The Heart Behind the Art for this exhibit.
Mar 30, 2016
The Collective | Live Your Dreams, Change the World
Theme for April at The Collective: LIVE YOUR DREAMS, CHANGE THE WORLD.
It's your nature to be creative. You are creative. The companion to creativity are the dreams and desires that God plants in our heart. Those dreams and desires are there to help build His Kingdom (yes, we have a role in that) and bring glory to God.
- What are those dreams and desires in your heart?
- Are you entering into them? If not, when?
- What keeps you from entering into them?
- Do you believe that those dreams and desires have the potential to change the world?
Holding onto those dreams and desires is like getting a present for your birthday and never opening it....
Come to The Collective on April 7, 6:30pm-8:30pm and we'll be diving into this rather large topic and it's our hope that you'll leave feeling encouraged (in courage!) to move out boldly in your dreams to be an agent of change for this broken and hurting world!
Bring your sketch book. Paper and colored pencils will be available for doodling and sketching. :) Which is always highly encouraged at The Collective!
LASTLY and most importantly - The Collective is for every single human who has been created in God's image. Yes, my friend, that includes you. (The Collective is not for "artists" only).
Got questions? Email deAnn and we hope to see you on Thursday, 4/7 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the coffee bar at LWCC.
Mar 29, 2016
The Well | Passion, Promise, Presence
The Well is a self-guided sacred space prayer experience at Living Word Community Church. It's been up for one week and continues this week, concluding on Friday at 9pm. Above is the schedule, the times vary a bit each day.
It's a beautiful space taking us into the Easter Story - but it's a broader look at that famous event. Click here for a video tour of this installation. Prayer guides are available to enhance your experience. Bring your bible and plan to be at The Well for 60 minutes or more. It's not a space you'll want to rush through. You escape the rush of life and enter The Well.
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The Road to Emmaus |
Be in joy -
deAnn Roe - Infused Arts Director
Feb 23, 2016
Recap of Feb at The Collective & Looking Ahead
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A collection of creativity represented at February's gathering of The Collective. |
What an incredible gathering of creatives of ALL genres at The Collective this month! It's amazing to see all the creative facets we have among us. So diverse, so beautiful. We had great discussion and teaching around how our creativity matters a LOT to God and His Kingdom. We did some collaborative art and some individual prayerful creative reflection. All in all - a fantastic evening! A dream come true! People waking up more and more to their identity in Christ and His amazing nature of creativity in us all.
Below are more images from our first gathering. The next one is Thursday, March 3rd from 6:30-8:30pm in the coffee bar of Living Word Community Church. March's theme is surrendering our creativity to the One who is the source of it all and the watching what He does with it!! We have a creative and mindful exercise in store and visual artist Deborah Nell will share a bit on her journey the God and surrendering her creativity. You will be blessed and inspired by her stories, no doubt!
Child care is provided but you need to register your little ones one week in advance.
Click here then in the drop down register menu, click Infused Arts.
If you are feeling a stirring in your soul for more creativity to be unleashed in your life, or want a biblical perspective on why our creativity matters so much to God, we invite you to The Collective. It's community. It's creativity. It's pressing into Father's heart for more of Him. It's so awesome... Hope to see you on Thursday, March 3rd!
deAnn Roe
director of Infused Arts
Jan 28, 2016
The Collective - Kingdom-minded Creatives
Creativity spans beyond fine arts.
God's creative nature is in you - how does it flow through you?
The Collective is a new Infused Arts community that will focus on our role as artists and creatives in God's Kingdom, have discussions around this and many other important topics. The first Thursday of EACH month is designed to encourage our creative journey, challenge it as well, and broaden our vision for how God wants to flow through us to touch this broken and searching world by our art, imagination, and creativity. The Collective is the FIRST Thursday of each month, beginning in February. Each month will have a different topic or theme. February is "Why Creativity Matters to God."
All genres of creativity are welcome!! For example; knitters, home chefs, fine artists, writers, poets, dancers, singer/song writers, musicians, graffiti and tattoo artists, hair stylists, photographers, digital artists, sculptures, wood-working, fiber art, sewing, drama... okay, I think you get the point. :)
Please join The Collective, a group of creatives hungry for more of the Lord and seeking first His Kingdom as it pertains to our art and creativity!
There is no fee for this gathering. Coffee will be on hand, indeed. See you February 4th at 6:30pm!
KidCare is provided but you must register your little ones a week before the event. From the pull down menu, click "Infused Arts" - here's the link to register.
Are you coming to The Collective on 2/4? Let me know!
Hope to see you there!
deAnn Roe
Jan 26, 2016
Childcare Available for Infused Arts
We are so very excited to be able to offer childcare for you on Thursdays for Infused Arts events. We hope this opens up the possibility for those of you with childcare needs to attend our spiritually formative arts communities:
- The Collective - the 1st Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in the coffee bar
- The Write Space - the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in Rm 112
- The Studio & Open Studio - the 3rd and 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in the coffee bar
Please register your little ones one week in advance to the event you plan to attend. Here's the link - from the drop down menu, choose, "Infused Arts." You will find some additional information on that page as well.
We hope to see you in February at Infused Arts!
Be in joy-
Jan 21, 2016
Art Reception POSTPONED
Hello friends!!
Due to the pending storm and the impossibility to nail down when it may arrive, we've decided to postpone tomorrow night's art reception to Friday, 1/29, 6pm to 8pm. One artist participating comes from Reading and a few more from Lancaster and I know some of you plan to come and you drive from Baltimore and Harrisburg - I don't want to put any of you at risk should the snow begin to fall earlier than what's expected.
I hope you are able to come enjoy a fantastic evening full of art and creativity next week!! Again here's the NEW date for the Art = Ministry Art reception:
Friday, January 29, from 6pm to 8pm at Living Word Community Church
Same awesomeness, different night!
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Be in joy and stay safe in the blizzard!
Jan 7, 2016
Powerful Stories of How God Uses Art & Artists
The January/February exhibit, Art = Ministry is up and looking amazing. The stories are even more amazing! Click here to read a copy of The Heart Behind the Art booklet and prepare to be blown away by how God uses surrendered artists to minister to our broken and searching world. Below are a host of photos of the exhibit.
Reminder: The Art Reception is Friday, January 29, from 6pm to 8pm in the Common Grounds Gallery. It's going to be an evening jam-packed with creativity! There will even be art tables for you to explore your artistic abilities. And of course, you'll hear from the artists, there will be a live painting demo, and our friend, Ramon will be here to stylize your name into graffiti. This is a family friendly evening. Snacks and coffee will be provided too. Hope you can make it!
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