Aug 19, 2013

engage @ the studio

September kicks off the studio for its new season. We'll focus on three areas: engage, grow, and explore. Each designed to take artists, writers, and creatives deeper into community, into their relationship with God and with their creativity.

Beginning on Thursday, September 5 we'll launch into engage @ the studio. What does this mean, exactly? Using Francis Chan's excellent and super-artistic video teaching series BASIC, we'll explore in depth Biblical Truth - how it relates to our personal walk with God and how it fleshes out in our creativity, be it the visual arts or literary arts.

The month of September will be a time of engaging with His Truth in the context of a creative community. Will there be any art making? Not formally, but we'd like you to bring your sketchbook or journal and be prayerfully considering how God may be speaking to you then work it out through your art work. More will be explained on the first night, 9/5 @ 6:30pm in the coffee bar at Living Word Community Church.

I have a real sense that God desires the whole heart of His artistically gifted and creative people. He wants to speak to us through our art and speak of His Kingdom through our art. Being in alignment with Him first and foremost will give our artwork power that we can't attain on our own efforts. We must co-create with His Holy Spirit.

Come, engage @ the studio in September alongside other artists, writers, and creatives and let's see what God does in us as an artistic community!

Joy and peace,