BeComing Imago Dei
October @ the studio
Create a series of three mixed-media spiritual self-portraits
Three 11x14" canvas panels and use of all art supplies are given to
you for a fee of $10 (for the whole month).
If you are thinking to yourself, “Geez, I’m not very good at creating art – I’m a writer, I’m a crafter, I can’t make ART.” Just remember Whose you are. You are a child of God, created in HIS image. He’s the source of all our creativity. It’s in you, trust it. Walk out in faith and explore His creativity in and through you. This is the month to do it – step out – because God will, and I mean He WILL meet you in a very special way through this project. I’ve seen it happen in 2011, the last time we did this exercise. Ignore the negative voices in your head and listen to the still small voice of your Father who believes in you because He knows you, He loves you, He created you so that you can create. God made you as a way to express Himself. Let’s do this!
One last thing about October at The Studio – the art we make is about the process NOT the product (the completed work). Although I know you will be so impressed by what you create and how God speaks to you through your faith-filled creating.
Okay, I’m done twisting your arm J But in all seriousness, I do hope you come each Thursday (6:30-8:30pm) in October to The Studio. You will be blessed. I know it. God is about to blow your hair back! Haha!
Please email me or call me (717.755.0089 x126) to let me know you are coming so I have enough canvas panels for every one!
Hope to see you this Thursday, 10/3 at The Studio. Below is the handout you need to read and reflect upon so you are ready to create on Thursday evening!
The Studio | GROW
BeComing Imago Dei [Image of God]
October 3, 2013
The Obvious Me
To be human is to be complex. In Genesis, God says we are created, uniquely created, in His image. This means we are both body and soul. We have a very obvious, or public, side to our lives. This obvious life is what we see in the mirror and what others see and experience when around us. Physical traits, our role in our family, in employment, our hobbies and interests are all quite obvious. So are some character qualities.
Below are a few questions to reflect upon as a way to prepare for the first spiritual self-portrait The Obvious Me
Remember, we are created in His image, which means we have His “creative blood” in us. Think of this project prep as a time to be with God in prayer as you examine your obvious, public, self. Invite God into your creative process and He will show up.
» What are some of my physical traits?
» What are my hobbies and interests?
» What am I known for?
» How would people describe me?
» How have people experienced life with me?
Are there items around your house that you’d like to incorporate into your Obvious Me self portrait? If you are addicted to coffee, bring coffee beans/grounds, photos of you, an image of your sports team or mountain bike, whatever. Be creative and think outside the box! No need to be literal here. It’s totally acceptable to think abstract. Please feel free to bring these items on Oct 3 to use in our project time.