Sep 2, 2010

Be Still...

Photography by Lionel Phillips (c) 2010

Once again, our artist friend from New Zealand, Lionel Phillips, has blessed us with another beautiful image. Here is what he has to say about this piece:

This is a lake very close to where I work. One very foggy morning I rushed down there to take this photo. Ín the quiteness of that morning the Lord clearly reminded me again to be still and to slow down. It's a bouy in the middle of the lake. It reminded me of the scripture in Psalm 46 verse 10. I love singing that song too. Sometimes were are too busy to hear God's voice and sometimes we have to slow down and listen. I pray that it will bless someone and in discouraging times it will remind them to sing the 46 Psalm. God Bless.

For the glory of God alone.
Thank you Lionel for the beautiful image and written reflections. You are so right, we must slow down to hear His still small voice...
Grace & peace,

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