Jun 8, 2010

Thursday Pages, June 10

Hello Writers and Poets!
Just a quick little reminder that this Thursday is the monthly writers gathering: PAGES. Bring your notebook and favorite writting utensil or your laptop and the desire to hang with other writers and, of course, write!

We meet in the Large Conference room of LWCC which is right across the hall from the kitchen. The time is 7:00 -8:30 PM. Pages is always a great time of community with others who share the same passion for writing as you do. Hope to see you there!
Grace & peace ~ deAnn

Here is the recap from May's Pages Gathering:

On Thursday we gathered for our virtually uninterrupted time of writing. The evening began with introductions as several people were new to the group. Of the seven ladies and one gentleman that were there we chatted about our writing interests and what the evening would entail. As we moved to the writing prompt, instead of telling the group what the writing prompt was, I read them a few poems and asked them to guess what it might be. The following is the first poem I read:

The Elephant Has a Bad Earache

The elephant has a bad earache.

The centipede stubbed all his toes.

The giraffe has developed a nasty sore throat
and the rhino can't breathe through his nose.

The mockingbird has an unclear ache.

The lion's so hoarse he can't roar.

The hog cannot eat, as his tummy's upset,

and the parrot can't talk anymore.

The doe has a pain in the deer ache.

Just what should the beast doctor do?

The duck is so sick she can't possibly float.
It's a really bad day at the zoo.

by Denise Rodgers

Yes, that’s right! I encouraged them to write about the Zoo. After ten minutes or so, a few people shared their written thoughts. They ranged from an elegant “look” at Zoo animals, to some off the cuff poems that were funny and interesting! After the hour of writing our evening concluded. As everyone said their goodbyes, I reminded everyone that deAnn would be back in a few months.

Happy writing till next time.
Celesa H.

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