Apr 1, 2013

Prophets & Poets

Our springtime writers' retreat is quickly approaching! We hope you will say YES to your God-given creativity and join us for a day of writing. The theme is: Prophets and Poets. Here are some details...

Saturday, 4/13 from 9am-2pm in the Life Center at LWCC.

Bring a lunch, breakfast snacks will be provided.

As usual, it's two retreats in one: for the project writers and for the prompt writers. Bring your project if you need time and a creative environment to write. For those who desire more prompts and a guided writing session, you are welcome too! Bring your laptops or writing notebooks. 

Spring is springing forth from the awakening ground. May your creativity be rising up in you as well!

Please RSVP by emailing deAnn.

 Hope to see you then!

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