Aug 7, 2010

KidsArt Exhibit 3.0

To conclude the summer and celebrate "Back To School," The Gallery @ Common Grounds will have the third annual KidsArt Exhibit running August 29 through October 3.

Them theme is "God Created..." and all artwork is submitted by the kids in our children's ministry, Kid::Life, grades 1 - 6. It's always a colorful and fun exhibit - perfect for the last days of summer. Be sure to pick up a copy of the gallery companion booklet, "The Heart Behind the Art," which will be available in the coffee bar beginning Sunday, August 29.

It's so awesome to witness a child spotting his/her artwork hanging nicely in the gallery. Their eyes light up and they run to find their parents or friends and bring them back to where their art is displayed. It's just so cute! Artists they are... Artists we hope they remain into adult hood.

Enjoy this upcoming exhibit!

Grace & peace ~ deAnn

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